Thinking cap. Check.
I was thinking of cute things today. Tiny kitten Myspace friends from the "Yaa hoo! No More Gitmo!" knitting group sending their comments with twinkling sparkle tags. Dimpled cheeked Cherubs in pampers, shooting golden arrows of love or Rush Limbaugh at one of Dick Cheney's keggers.
Furry hamster spinners on their stationary bicycles are cute. I imagined a frolicking pink, polka dotted circus pony with a giant white feather sticking out of its tiara , balancing Nancy Pelosi on it's back. Then I remembered the "Hill for Prez" tattoo on Tony's bum, the one Georgie told me about. All those things are as cute as I am. That was what I was thinking.

Then I thought about fluffy, cottontail bunnies riding miniature, mint colored Vespas through the streets of South Korea. They would have to be on the lookout for Kim Jong Il. He doesn't look very friendly. Although, the cottontail's from the North have reported that he can be very cuddley.
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