A silly to serious, slightly left take on today's news headlines and social media trending topics. Politics and news shaken but not stirred by your personal political bartender, Tammy Todd.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Sarah doesn't speak for me (video) and other Grizzly madness
In rebuttal to Sarah Palin's 'Mama Grizzlies' video below, this video by EMILY's List, a national political group dedicated to electing pro-choice progressive women according to Politics Daily was posted on YouTube.
Women dressed in Mama Grizzly costumes take on Sarah Palin's campaign to co-opt what the thesaurus would call female courage, determination, firmness, fortitude, grit, guts, hardihood, heart, intestinal fortitude, mettle, moral fiber, nerve, pluck, resolution, resolve, spunk, stamina, steadfastness, tenacity, toughness , will, willpower and all around Mama Bear goodness. For shame Sarah. Save some grizzliness for the wimpy liberal girls!
Anyhoo, what do you think about all this grizzly madness?
Sarah Palin's 'Mama Grizzlies' video
For those of you who have not been privy to Sarah Palin's 'Mama Grizzlies' video, here it is.
Obama and the "Ground Zero Mosque" By Nick Baumann

(Photo/Wiki: The World Trade Center site 17 days after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Buildings surrounding the site of the collapsed towers are fitted with mesh to prevent further damage and large construction vehicles are being used to clear debris.)
Well, it worked. Since late spring, the right wing has been harping on the Cordoba House project, a proposed Muslim cultural center (not a mosque; a cultural center with some worship space) that would occupy a building two blocks from Ground Zero in downtown Manhattan. Conservatives were certainly hoping the story would grab the public's attention (and hurt liberals), but most national Democrats refrained from addressing the issue for most of the summer.
A few weeks ago, the right's gambit seemed to have failed. The controversy was
Read more at MotherJones.com
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