Political Science
produced by arivind abraham
song by R. Neuman
My Political Science Song by HapytamyNYC
I have strong opinions about the American political landscape and the war in particular. It is obvious where I stand. I support the troops and I disagree with how our country and the war is being managed. I know it's popular among pundits to say you can only be either/or on this subject but I disagree. Take a moment and befriend a soldier in your blogosphere. Let them know we care about them and support them even, if we disagree on the war itself.
With that said, I'd like to thank the members of my family, my sisters and cousins, who fought in both wars in Iraq and others who served in Vietnam and during peace time. It is because of our soldier's sacrifice that I am able to stand on my soapbox. Thank you. Oh yeah, I promise not to mention the Native American Indian part, in the same breath. Thanks, really.
Jen - US Air Force - Iraq
Lisa - US Army - Iraq
Ryan - National Guard (front lines)- Iraq
Jim - Navy Seals
Uncle Chuck - US Army - Vietnam
Grandpa - US Navy
Cousin - US Army - Operation Desert Storm