Wackenhut, (or is it wack-en-off), is the parent company of ArmorGroup North America. Lest you think that lewd , lascivious and "Animal House" behavior is the exclusive property of corrupt, sexually harassing corporations in America, rest assured that our corporate legacy extends to the far reaches of the world.
Kabul, a small strategic village in Afghanistan has played host to accusations of employee hazing by ArmorGroup North America, a security firm contracted by the U.S. State Department to provide security in Kabul.
The security group has a $180 million annual contract with the State Department. It's goal is to protect diplomats, staffers and Afghan nationals who work at the Embassy. Despite the fact that the Senate subcommittee found "deficiencies" in the companies performance, ArmorGroup was allowed to stay on.
"The lewd and deviant behavior of approximately 30 supervisors and guards has resulted in complete distrust of leadership and a breakdown of the chain of command, compromising security," POGO said in a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton outlining the security violations.
Yikes! Hold on there, were any of these considerations taken into account.
A. Beer bongs were sanitized according to U.S. Health Board standards.
B. Prostitutes were advocates and acted in PSA's for the "Just say no to drugs ho." project across Afghanistan.
C. Free condoms were distributed at the intersection of Kabul and 42nd street on a regular basis.
D. Only the inferior,less important soldiers were hazed and humiliated. No VIP's were injured.
E. "Golden showers" aka "peeing on others" was a gift with the purchase of a six pack and NOT an additional $39.99 as previously reported.
No dear citizen, I do not think proper consideration of these all important items was looked at by POGO.
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