Whatever happened to the dignified and formal manner in which we believed that Judges should be selected? Today, in the midst of a contentious and bizarre race for New York City Civil Court, the dignity has been kicked to the curb.
In addition to being qualified, the candidates must also be street tough and thick skinned. The New York City race is starting to resemble a WWE wrestling match meets the Bush/Gore campaign of yesteryear than a contemporary and intelligent discussion on New York City politics.
The Second Judicial District, which includes Chinatown, Cooper Square and the lower East Side is the genisis of what looks like will become the norm in New York City as Supreme Court Justices may be running in open primaries instead of "back room" selection sessions. It may be more Democratic but is it good?
Vote-by-vote count of paper ballots, street fights, voting machine sabotage and accusation of voter fraud abound.
Margaret Chan, a Chinatown candidate says she was attacked by a man who ripped down her campaign posters and sent her running to the nearest police station. Her brother was arrested after he smashed a campaign opponents car window. Allegedly, the car was from the opposing campaign and they were trying to run him over.
Her opponent David Cohen, may call for a rerun of the election after voting machines were jammed for hours on Primary day.
Many of Chan's supporters believe that part of the ugliness may be a product of prejudice. No Chinese-American candidate from Chinatown has ever represented the area in an elected city, state or federal office. Her election would be a monument in the history of the area.
From this contest will emerge the fair, impartial and intelligent Judge. Oh, my.
The Mets celebrate clinching the NL East title. It has been almost two decades since the Mets won their division. Since, 1988, mets fans have faithfully waited in the stands for this magical moment.
After days of nail biting, Mets fans have been waiting for the inevitable. Finally the night arrived. No doubt the nights hereos were Jose Valentin with two home runs and Steve Trachsel, 61/3 scoreless innings.
The fans did a mock tomahawk chop then went home to dream the dream of an eventual World Series Win.
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