A silly to serious, slightly left take on today's news headlines and social media trending topics. Politics and news shaken but not stirred by your personal political bartender, Tammy Todd.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Anger & Happiness In NYC by HapytamyNYC

Whatever happened to the dignified and formal manner in which we believed that Judges should be selected? Today, in the midst of a contentious and bizarre race for New York City Civil Court, the dignity has been kicked to the curb.
In addition to being qualified, the candidates must also be street tough and thick skinned. The New York City race is starting to resemble a WWE wrestling match meets the Bush/Gore campaign of yesteryear than a contemporary and intelligent discussion on New York City politics.
The Second Judicial District, which includes Chinatown, Cooper Square and the lower East Side is the genisis of what looks like will become the norm in New York City as Supreme Court Justices may be running in open primaries instead of "back room" selection sessions. It may be more Democratic but is it good?
Vote-by-vote count of paper ballots, street fights, voting machine sabotage and accusation of voter fraud abound.
Margaret Chan, a Chinatown candidate says she was attacked by a man who ripped down her campaign posters and sent her running to the nearest police station. Her brother was arrested after he smashed a campaign opponents car window. Allegedly, the car was from the opposing campaign and they were trying to run him over.
Her opponent David Cohen, may call for a rerun of the election after voting machines were jammed for hours on Primary day.
Many of Chan's supporters believe that part of the ugliness may be a product of prejudice. No Chinese-American candidate from Chinatown has ever represented the area in an elected city, state or federal office. Her election would be a monument in the history of the area.
From this contest will emerge the fair, impartial and intelligent Judge. Oh, my.
The Mets celebrate clinching the NL East title. It has been almost two decades since the Mets won their division. Since, 1988, mets fans have faithfully waited in the stands for this magical moment.
After days of nail biting, Mets fans have been waiting for the inevitable. Finally the night arrived. No doubt the nights hereos were Jose Valentin with two home runs and Steve Trachsel, 61/3 scoreless innings.
The fans did a mock tomahawk chop then went home to dream the dream of an eventual World Series Win.
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
I Remember Where I Was On 911 by HapyTamyNYC

I Remember Where I Was, On 9/11 by Tammy Todd
Category: Life
It's hard to believe that it has been five years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. Are we wiser and safer or just jaded? It's 2006 and we haven't found Osama Bin Laden and are not fully prepared for another attack.
I remember, being a brand new, "New Yorker" and seeing the twin towers for the first time. They were breathtaking. I had never seen anything on that scale before and was elated that I would have a chance to work there, for a few short weeks. I would arrive hours before I was due at work, just to wander the grand buildings and peer through it's windows. "Windows to the world." I thought.
A few months later, I would be on the phone to a Human Resource Director for a company at the World Trade Center at 8:40am on September 11th. I was excited at the prospect of a new job at the Center but I was uncharacteristically fatigued and lethargic. I did not feel up to taking the train ride to the towers and then sitting through a lengthy interview. It seemed like the onset of the flu.
Before, we could reschedule the interview, the first plane hit the World Trade Center. The television was on in my living room and I could see the local station's, " breaking news" banner. Apparently, a wayward plane, accidentally careened into the World Trade Center. We wouldn't realize that the United States was under a terrorist attack until the second plane hit the second tower.
I never met her and I don't remember her name but I remember the fear and urgency in her voice. "Please stay on the line with me", she said. "I'm at another location, but I have over 500 employees in that building!" her voice was beginning to shake. "Just stay, I'll put you on hold in-between my other phone calls to the Managers in the building."
I reassured her that I would not hang up. I clicked the channel over to CNN and gave her updated information as the broadcaster announced the unfolding story. Dozens of times, she would put me on hold and then return a few minutes later panicked for new information. This would last until both of the towers fell. We both cried and said our good-byes.
I prayed that she would find some of those 500 employees and was happy to find out through another Executive, a few days later, that all 500 people had made it out safely. Those that could not accept transfers to the company's other divisions, some offers as far as three states away, would lose their jobs.
I never spoke to her after that morning, but I can still remember the tone and timber of her voice, five years later. Every 9/11 I remember the heros and the victims horror and her plea, "Please, stay on the line, with me." To this day, it is almost impossible, to get me to hang up first.
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Political Science Song produced by arivindabraham
Political Science
produced by arivind abraham
song by R. Neuman
My Political Science Song by HapytamyNYC
I have strong opinions about the American political landscape and the war in particular. It is obvious where I stand. I support the troops and I disagree with how our country and the war is being managed. I know it's popular among pundits to say you can only be either/or on this subject but I disagree. Take a moment and befriend a soldier in your blogosphere. Let them know we care about them and support them even, if we disagree on the war itself.
With that said, I'd like to thank the members of my family, my sisters and cousins, who fought in both wars in Iraq and others who served in Vietnam and during peace time. It is because of our soldier's sacrifice that I am able to stand on my soapbox. Thank you. Oh yeah, I promise not to mention the Native American Indian part, in the same breath. Thanks, really.
Jen - US Air Force - Iraq
Lisa - US Army - Iraq
Ryan - National Guard (front lines)- Iraq
Jim - Navy Seals
Uncle Chuck - US Army - Vietnam
Grandpa - US Navy
Cousin - US Army - Operation Desert Storm
produced by arivind abraham
song by R. Neuman
My Political Science Song by HapytamyNYC
I have strong opinions about the American political landscape and the war in particular. It is obvious where I stand. I support the troops and I disagree with how our country and the war is being managed. I know it's popular among pundits to say you can only be either/or on this subject but I disagree. Take a moment and befriend a soldier in your blogosphere. Let them know we care about them and support them even, if we disagree on the war itself.
With that said, I'd like to thank the members of my family, my sisters and cousins, who fought in both wars in Iraq and others who served in Vietnam and during peace time. It is because of our soldier's sacrifice that I am able to stand on my soapbox. Thank you. Oh yeah, I promise not to mention the Native American Indian part, in the same breath. Thanks, really.
Jen - US Air Force - Iraq
Lisa - US Army - Iraq
Ryan - National Guard (front lines)- Iraq
Jim - Navy Seals
Uncle Chuck - US Army - Vietnam
Grandpa - US Navy
Cousin - US Army - Operation Desert Storm
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Friday, July 07, 2006
Welcome To The Hapy Hut
Welcome to the "Hapy Hut"! We made big plans to make you smile, cry and wince. We are glad you are here. Sit down and relax.
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