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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fidel Castro commandeers Twitter's trending topics list

Quips and tweets of bewilderment took "Fidel Castro" to the top of the Trending Topics list on Twitter. Fidel Castro made an appearance on Cuban current events program "Mesa Redonda," or "Round Table," in which the former Cuban leader discussed the state of affairs between the United States, Iran, and South Korea, as well as the risk of imminent war and nuclear holocaust.

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Twitter was less interested with Fidel Castro's political views and more bemused by his reappearance after seemingly fallen off the face of the Earth since his intestinal surgery back in 2006. Not only did Castro return to the political spotlight - for a moment, at least - but he took Twitter's trending topics list by storm for the day too, much to everyone's surprise. Not too shabby for an 83 year-old ex-dictator.


Photo: Fidel Castro at a press conference in Washington D.C., April 15, 1959. (Wikipedia)