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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Twitter buzzing over Chelsea Clinton's engagement

Chelsea Clinton
(Photo by Amy Allan)

Twitter buzzing over Chelsea Clinton's engagement

Twitter is absolutely buzzing about the announcement of the Thanksgiving engagement of former President Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary...

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Monday, November 09, 2009

Saturday, November 07, 2009

President Obama addresses Native American leaders

The President addresses leaders from more than 500 federally recognized tribes and reaffirms his Administrations intent to forge a stronger, more equitable partnership with tribal nations.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

30 Misogynistic Republicans Vote Against Anti-Rape Law

If you have not guessed by now, I am a left-leaning centrist. Many times you will see me agree with Democrats on one issue and with Republicans on another. Raised in a family of ultra-conservative, born-again Christians, I am clearly the political thinking rebel with somewhat of a cause. I often poke fun at politicians in my top 10 lists and articles. Sometimes, a simple cartoon or video says it all. With that said.

WTH? Thirty Republicans voted against an "Anti-Rape" law. No wonder sexual harassment cases run rampant in this country. Arrogance and misguided loyalty muck up the works of otherwise decent corporations and politicians. Maybe they were not paying close attention and thought Franken said "Anti-Rap" law. Maybe they have greasy palms from too much handshaking with greedy, corrupt and misogynistic corporations.

At what point do these guys say enough? How far are they going to allow these corporations and their lobbyists to put them into these positions? Maybe, when the money runs out in post-apocalyptic America.

Women are valuable resources and it is a sad state of affairs when Republican politicians espouse these type of views. I know my conservative Republican Father doesn't agree with this. I say it's time Republicans-in-hiding finally take a stand. I think "Anti-Rape" legislation might be a good place to start.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Giving props to Kanye & Rep. Joe Wilson

Nate Beeler is a talented cartoonist seen on the Washington Examiner. You can check out his stuff here.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

5 things you don't want the President to do to your child besides speak to them in school by Tammy Todd

After a nationwide outcry by conservative parents protesting the President speaking to their school children, it turns out to be much-ado-about-nothing.

Some parents were worried that the President was indoctrinating children to be sensitive and responsive to the President of the United States agenda.

Despite the fact, that the past several President's have spoken to school age children the debate was hot. Perhaps, the most unsettling, parents believing that the government was removing them from their child's educational process by inserting a lesson plan that included an assignment, which challenged children to write essays on how they could help the President.

The President removed the lesson plan and the speech took place. Some parents "opted out", keeping their children far away from school and the President. Whatever happened to sitting down with your children and expressing your point-of-view and indoctrinating your kids with your point of view?

I realized that there were probably five or more things that you might not want the President to do to your school children besides speak to them.

5. Take them to the county fair, feed them cotton candy, pink sticky popcorn, those twirly funnel things with powdered sugar, five boxes of licorice, cotton candy, deep-fried oreos and six hot dogs, then put them on the roller coaster.

4. Dress them like Batman, put them on the N train with a tray of churros and a sign that says, "One churro = One world = one dollar".

3. Speak to them.

2. Ask them to be the U.S. Drug Czar.

1. Friend them on Facebook.

Friday, September 04, 2009

David Letterman punches Sarah Palin over possible VP run with Cheney

David Letterman has been on fire lately with his politically pointed monologues. I for one, am glad to see Letterman taking on riskier material each night on his show. Go, Dave!

How to become an audience member on David Letterman's Late Night show.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Wackenhut Kabul guards caught wack-en-off by Tammy Todd

Wackenhut, (or is it wack-en-off), is the parent company of ArmorGroup North America. Lest you think that lewd , lascivious and "Animal House" behavior is the exclusive property of corrupt, sexually harassing corporations in America, rest assured that our corporate legacy extends to the far reaches of the world.

, a small strategic village in Afghanistan has played host to accusations of employee hazing by ArmorGroup North America, a security firm contracted by the U.S. State Department to provide security in Kabul.

The security group has a $180 million annual contract with the State Department. It's goal is to protect diplomats, staffers and Afghan nationals who work at the Embassy. Despite the fact that the Senate subcommittee found "deficiencies" in the companies performance, ArmorGroup was allowed to stay on.

"The lewd and deviant behavior of approximately 30 supervisors and guards has resulted in complete distrust of leadership and a breakdown of the chain of command, compromising security," POGO said in a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton outlining the security violations.

Yikes! Hold on there, were any of these considerations taken into account.

A. Beer bongs were sanitized according to U.S. Health Board standards.

B. Prostitutes were advocates and acted in PSA's for the "Just say no to drugs ho." project across Afghanistan.

C. Free condoms were distributed at the intersection of Kabul and 42nd street on a regular basis.

D. Only the inferior,less important soldiers were hazed and humiliated. No VIP's were injured.

E. "Golden showers" aka "peeing on others" was a gift with the purchase of a six pack and NOT an additional $39.99 as previously reported.

No dear citizen, I do not think proper consideration of these all important items was looked at by POGO.

Watch CBS Videos Onlinelascivious

Monday, August 31, 2009

Ten things to bring to the Tea Party Express


The overtly anti-President slash "Obama is a socialist" caravan known as the "tea party express" has been busy spreading fear and resurrecting the dead as it makes it's way across the country. Those who organize these parties are set against health-care reform and the government's spending spree aimed at getting us out of a recession.

Protest signs with altered photos of the President looking like Hitler and Batman nemesis The Joker, have sparked outrage in some communities. The movement would be better served if these tactics ignited epiphany and thereafter creative alternative solutions to offer to our citizens. Instead, these parties play on American's fear of losing their basic necessities of life. Like health care, personal wealth and dignity.

In the absence of a moment of sudden intuitive understanding or an actual copy of a completed health care bill, you may find yourself grateful for one of these ten items at your next tea party.

10. Iphone, laptap and other electronics you didn't have to hawk after you got laid off.

9. Your Grandmother's anti-socialist paraphernalia.

8. Your Hello Kitty thermos.You will need to hydrate your brain so it can power up during the intellectual debate between the academicians that will surely show up. Contrary, to popular belief, tea will not be served.

7. Trail mix to share with all the Hippies.

6. The latest stock tips.

5. Two arms or as many as you have. There will be lots of hugging going on!

4. A puppy. You will need a friend.

3. "Hitler in a bag" Halloween costume. Ok, it's just a black Sharpie in a sandwich bag.

2. Your Tea Party fear mongering kit complete with a "We don't want no death panels!" T-shirt and bucket of sweat.

1. Your Hate Mongering accessory tool belt. Comes with white pancake makeup,green joker's wig and Swiss Army knife. Oh,wait a minute, that was in the fear-mongering kit. Just use the Sharpie.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


If you haven't discovered the political animation genius Mark Fiore, let me introduce you. You can find Mark's cutting edge common sense graphics at his website. You can also find his videos on YouTube.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Puttin On My Thinkin Cap


Thinking cap. Check.

I was thinking of cute things today. Tiny kitten Myspace friends from the "Yaa hoo! No More Gitmo!" knitting group sending their comments with twinkling sparkle tags. Dimpled cheeked Cherubs in pampers, shooting golden arrows of love or Rush Limbaugh at one of Dick Cheney's keggers.

Furry hamster spinners on their stationary bicycles are cute. I imagined a frolicking pink, polka dotted circus pony with a giant white feather sticking out of its tiara , balancing Nancy Pelosi on it's back. Then I remembered the "Hill for Prez" tattoo on Tony's bum, the one Georgie told me about. All those things are as cute as I am. That was what I was thinking.


Then I thought about fluffy, cottontail bunnies riding miniature, mint colored Vespas through the streets of South Korea. They would have to be on the lookout for Kim Jong Il. He doesn't look very friendly. Although, the cottontail's from the North have reported that he can be very cuddley.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Monday, January 05, 2009